We have amassed a wealth of knowledge in a number of industries in markets around the world, this wealth of knowledge and expertise has enabled us to build and establish relationships with buyers and sellers overseas.


The majority of our trade deals take place between the Far East and the EU, however we have built up a contact base all around the world and have worked with suppliers in the US and Australia as well as the EU and China and have marketed, negotiated and sold their goods and services in all corners of the globe. As a small, young and dynamic company, we are always expanding our knowledge base in other lucrative international markets.



Where we currently do the majority of our business






The ever changing world of global trade means we are constantly researching new territories in detail in many regions of the world to determine which products and services are in high demand for that particular territory and therefore determine its suitability for that given market in terms of its competitors, bureaucracy, legislation and trade restrictions amongst other factors.

Once we are satisfied that a specific territory or region is suitable for your products or services based on our research, only then will we begin to market and promote your business there. Your business’s success is our paramount goal, after all, your success is our success!